FSR Verkehr
Verkehrsingenieurwesen (Transport Engineering)

Verkehrsingenieurwesen (Transport Engineering)

After the 4th semester, students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma Program “Verkehrsingenieurwesen” need to decide which field of study to specialize in. There are five fields of study to choose from:

  • Bahnsysteme (Railway Transportation Systems)
  • Elektrische Verkehrssysteme (Planning and Operating of Electrical Transportation Systems)
  • Verkehrsplanung und -technik (Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering)
  • Verkehrssystemtechnik und Logistik (Transportation System of Engineering and Logistics)
  • Verkehrstelematik (Traffic Telematics)

The Fachschaftsrat supports you in your decision-making by offering you the “Kompass Hauptstudium”. This event is supported by the faculty and Spätverkehr. The aim of the “Kompass Hauptstudium” is to provide a general overvie