Update: Accident in the POT – partial lifting of the closure of house 2

Update: Accident in the POT – partial lifting of the closure of house 2

+++ Update February 12, 2023, 1:30 p.m. +++

After an initial inspection of the damage, a clearing and subsequent expert examination of possible causes for the damage is now being initiated. For the cleanup, the electricity in stairwell 4 must be switched off.

This leads to the following adjustments in the blocking of house 2:

  • The second and third floors of House 2 are expected to remain completely closed until the end of this week. Only through an expert can the release take place, we will inform you as soon as this happens.
  • The first floor can be used again without restrictions as of now.
  • The basement and the second floor can be used during daylight hours (7:30h -16:30h). The reason for the time restriction is the need for illuminated escape routes, which cannot be provided until further notice due to the power shutdown in stairwell 4.

The barriers and signage in the building are adjusted according to this regulation.

Study room E067a in the basement will thus be accessible from 7:30 to 16:30. Access to the lecture halls POT/51, POT/151 and POT/81 is still possible.

In the night from 03. to 04.02.2023 an accident occurred in house 2 on the 3rd floor of the POT. In front of lecture hall 361, the ceiling plaster came loose on an area of approx. 50 m2. Fortunately, no persons were harmed in the process. For the time being, all floors in house 2 are closed for this reason. Study room E067a in the basement is also affected and will not be accessible until further notice. However, access to the lecture halls POT/51, POT/151, POT/251, POT/351 and POT/81 is possible. Only the areas hatched in the graphic below are blocked. We will inform you as soon as the closure is lifted again!