

Welcome at the Fachschaftsrat (faculty student council) Verkehrswissenschaften “Friedrich List”!

Recent articles

  • Teaching Award 2024: We are looking for your nominations!
    Our faculty’s teaching award is going into a new round! For the third time we would like to award two teachers for their outstanding courses in the last year. Two teaching prizes will be awarded this year: The teaching award, endowed with €250 each, is expected to be conferred on Faculty Day on 8 November …
  • Paddle boat regatta on 13.07.
    It’s summer time, which means it’s time again for the annual paddle boat regatta. After all, what could be better than escaping the summer heat with a relaxing rubber boat tour on the Elbe? Even though it’s called a regatta, it’s supposed to be a fun event, not a sporting one. Participation fee is €12, …
  • Wichtige Information zum Studienordnungsübertritt VIW
    Liebe Studierende des Diplomstudiengangs Verkehrsingenieurwesen, alle mussten sich in den letzten Monaten entscheiden, ob und wann sie in die neue Studien- und Prüfungsordnung aus 2022 übertreten. Wer seit dem Wintersemester 2022/2023 neu in diesem Studiengang immatrikuliert wurde, studiert ohnehin seit Studienbeginn nach den neuen Ordnungen. Trotz großer Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung der neuen Studiendokumente sowie …
  • Summer school in Rome on “The European railway system”
    A summer school on “The European Railway System” will be held at the Sapienza University of Rome from 10 to 19 July. The planned topics include the EU legal framework, interoperability, signalling systems, ERTMS/ETCS, sustainable drives, environmentally friendly mobility, safety management and risk assessment, as well as visits to control centres, laboratories and workshops. The …
  • The hunt for Mr.X at Dies Academicus
    You like difficult tasks, you like combinating und solving riddles in a group? You ever wanted to hunt a searched person and to catch him by combinating and luring him into a trap? You ever wanted to be those searched person? Then you are just right at the FSR for the Dies Academicus. There we …